Friday, August 28, 2015

Classroom Needs

Hello friends!

We have some exciting thematic units coming up and we could use some help getting materials.  We are not looking for anyone to go out and buy anything new, this is more of a "if you have any of these things and they're collecting dust in your garage/basement/shed never to be used again... then we will take them off your hands" kind of a thing.  Here's what we're looking for:

Physical resources:

  • Bird feeders (any type, any size)
  • Binoculars
  • Bird field guides
  • Soccer balls (used balls are perfect, but falling apart is not)
All donations can be sent to school with your student and they can bring them to the science room.

Human resources:
  • Ornithologist (do you know anyone who studies birds professionally that would be a good classroom resource/guest presenter?)
  • Birders (do you know anyone who studies birds recreationally that would be a good classroom resource?)
  • Surveyors, landscape architects, golf course designers
  • Environmental scientist
  • Wildlife biologist
  • Rock climbers or someone who is a certified belayer
For human resources, please contact me at for more information.

Thank you for your support of the amazing things we are going to be doing in 4-5-6 science and 

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