Sunday, October 4, 2015

Everythings Going to be Owl Right

I can't stop thinking of owl puns! Somebody stop me please.

Here it is!  The video of one of the most amazing animal encounters I've ever had.  Glad we got to share this epic moment together at outdoor ed.  Just goes to show, you never know what you're going to see when you step outside your door.

Taken by Mr. McClintock, Mr, Lancaster, Dr. Fitzler, and the 6th grade class at Chesterfield Day School (Arushi, Ava, Dillon, Eli, Laura, Lucy, and Ryan) at Camp Ondessonk in Southern Illinois.

Story:  As part of of our outdoor education experience at Chesterfield Day School our 6th grade students spend 3-days tent camping at Camp Ondessonk.  On the first night we sat under a cedar tree and tried calling a screech owl just for fun while waiting to use the shower house.  Sure enough, in a matter of seconds one was hooting back.  Within a few hoots he had landed in the tree above our heads and got within 8ft of us.  He just curiously checked us out for 30-40 seconds and then went on his way.  On night two we thought we'd try our luck again in the same spot and sure enough, within a matter of a minutes he was in the tree above of our heads.  This time he hopped all the way down to the lowest branch.  I could have reached out and touched him he was so close.  I somehow managed to get out my phone and start recording while the kids all spotted him.   Or her.... I'm sure the internet will answer this for us in the comments section. Really awesome experience owl around.  

Proud to represent Chesterfield Day School... Home of the OWLS!

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